Tickets are now available for purchase from all committee members for the National Draw. This is a fantastic fund raiser to put finances back into club funds as in, all tickets sold at E10 each go back into the club. Please support and buy a ticket. LISMORE GAA LOTTO Our Lotto draw was held last Tuesday evening in the Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. Numbers drawn on the night for a massive JACKPOT Of E20,000 were as follows: 1,7,13,21. No winner. Consolation prizes of €20s went to Martin Lubosh, Darragh Cummins, Sinead Kearney, Timmy Murphy. Next week's draw will be again for the JACKPOT of €20,000. This will also be our Christmas draw and will take place at Eamonn's Place. There will also be a Christmas draw for 1st €250, 5 X €100, 10 x €50. So get your ticket now €2 each or 3 for €5. CLUB SHOP Club Shop purchases Contact Bernie on 087 7563402 GYM INFORMATION For Gym information Contact Will Cunningham on 086 0719635 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2016 Our AGM was held in the Club House on Sunday last Dec 11th @ 4p.m. Chairman Jimmy O' Gorman welcomed the large crowd present and started the meeting with a minutes silence for those who had died over the past twelve months. He also congratulated those who got married during the year. Joe Pollard Sec then read minutes of last year's AGM, and were signed on proposal by Ed Fenton & seconded By Emer Barry. Then Joe in his report gave a summary of the clubs highlights of 2016. They been the Western Intermediate Final, County Final , & Munster Final Titles won for Lismore Gaa Club. He also thanked his fellow officers for their help during the year. Treasurer's Report was then given to all present by Colin Kearney, who stated that the club was in a healthy position finance wise, due to the hard work of the Lotto Committee. He also thanked Bernie Prendergast in the efficient way she manages the Club Shop, also Will Cunningham for managing the Community Centre. Special thanks was given by Colin to Joe Pollard and Aaron Doocey for the efficient work they do in getting the Lotto ready for Tuesday night's draw during the year. It was also noted that the Club made charitable donations to the following during the year St Vincent De Paul, First Responders, & St. Carthage's House. Chairman then thanked Colin for his detailed account of club finances for 2016. Report was then signed on proposal by Liam Buckley seconded by Donie Coughlan. Chairman's Address was then given by Jimmy O Gorman. His account of the year was given in great detail especially relating to our Intermediates winning at Western, County & Munster Finals. Club players / members were congratulated for their success at County playing level and involvement with the County team. Jimmy thanked all his fellow officers for their co operation during the year. Thanks was given to John Landers membership officer, Will Cunningham, Community Centre, Bernie Prendergast, Club Shop, Eddie Nugent Liam Ahearn, Field Committee assisted By Patsy Buckley & Joe Pollard and all Tus workers past & present' and special mention to the Lotto Committee. Jimmy thanked the Management Team over the Intermediates for their work over the year, namely Dave Barry, Seamus Prendergast, Michael O Leary Jnr, Tony Browne, Barry Browne. He also congratulated the players on their fine wins to present and wishes everyone involved with the club the best of luck in the All Ireland series. Thanks was also given to the camogie club and congratulated Eibhlis McGlone on her new job as Chairperson of the club. Our Social evening is dated for St. Patricks night March 17th 2017. Our sponsor Eamonn Walsh ( Eamonn's Place ) was thanked for his sponsorship for the past year and we welcome him on board again for 2017. Special mention was given to the sale of the National Draw tickets which would be a fantastic fundraiser for the club would all members buy one at E10 each, all monies raised go back to club funds. A letter from the Juvenile Club Chairman was then read out and his words of encouragement to the adult club was appreciated by all present. This concluded the Chairman's report. ELECTION OF OFFICER'S President Mae Lawton, Vice President Christy Brien, Chairman Jimmy O Gorman Secretary Joe Pollard Vice Sec To be appointed Treasurer Colin Kearney Vice Treasurer Aaron Doocey, Pro Martina O Keeffe Membership Officer Tom Hannon, Insurance Officer John Landers, Health & Well Being Tom O Grady, Irish Officer Emer Barry, Scor Becky O Keeffe, Affiliations to the following will be made for 2017, Senior hurling, U21, Minor Hurling & Football, Junior Football . Management were then put in place for the various affiliated teams. Before the meeting ended Dave Barry congratulated all the players on their achievements so far in the Intermediate series and complimented all the players on bringing great success to the club during the year. ST STEPHEN'S NIGHT DISCO Lismore Gaa club are holding a disco in Lismore House Hotel on St. Stephen's Night Dec 26th with John Cliffe as D J. Admission €10. Time from 11 p.m. till 2 a.m with BAR EXTENSION. Please come along and support this worthy fundraiser.
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